■ 癌症的性别差异: |
“我们研究组这几年来一直致力于癌症基因组的比较分析,尤其是跨癌症类型的比较。而这些分析的主要目的是为理解肿瘤的分子基础,从而为精准癌症治疗提供有益的思路。随着TCGA项目的不断深入,我们发现目前的分子比较局限于癌症亚型之间。而男女性别的差异在很多种癌症的发病率,死亡率,和治疗效果都有很大的差异(甚至大于一些亚型的差异),而两者之间的分子差异的研究却少之又少,所以很自然的确立了这样一个课题,”梁晗博士指出。【详细全文】 |
人物简介: |

Dr. Liang received Ph.D. training from the Quantitative and Computational Biology program (home department, Chemistry) at Princeton University, which provides graduate education in the interface of biology, the physical sciences, and computational science. His PhD thesis is about RNA informatics on translation termination and alternative splicing. As a postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Liang completed three years of research on computational and evolutionary genomics at the University of Chicago, where his research was about microRNA regulation and gene duplication. Currently, Dr. Liang's research interests include development of bioinformatics tools for better analyzing cancer genomic data, the pan-cancer genomic analysis, RNA editing, and the evolutionary process of cancer cells. |