【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2017年01月10日 来源:生物通
这一研究成果公布在1月5日的Cell杂志上,领导这一研究的是西北大学教授Ali Shilatifar,他在H3K4me领域做了很多奠基性的工作,发现了酵母中的H3K4甲基化酶复合物COMPASS,另外一个主要贡献是发现了白血病发病过程中,MLL融合蛋白对Hox基因的调控作用。其研究组曾在Science杂志上公布了组蛋白突变与癌症之间的关联,指出一种称为K-to-M的突变通过招募脱甲基化酶(如KDM3B)使得附近H3.3蛋白K9残基上的染色质脱甲基化,从而影响疾病发生。
急性白血病是造血系统的恶性肿瘤,特点为造血细胞的某一系列在骨髓中恶性增生,并进入血流浸润各组织器官,其中混合性白血病(mixed lineage leukaemia,MLL)是一组本质有相当大区别的急性白血病,这类疾病很难治疗,在美国被确诊的儿童只有不到10%至20%能存活超过5年。
Therapeutic Targeting of MLL Degradation Pathways in MLL-Rearranged Leukemia
Chromosomal translocations of the mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL) gene with various partner genes result in aggressive leukemia with dismal outcomes. Despite similar expression at the mRNA level from the wild-type and chimeric MLL alleles, the chimeric protein is more stable. We report that UBE2O functions in regulating the stability of wild-type MLL in response to interleukin-1 signaling. Targeting wild-type MLL degradation impedes MLL leukemia cell proliferation, and it downregulates a specific group of target genes of the MLL chimeras and their oncogenic cofactor, the super elongation complex. Pharmacologically inhibiting this pathway substantially delays progression, and it improves survival of murine leukemia through stabilizing wild-type MLL protein, which displaces the MLL chimera from some of its target genes and, therefore, relieves the cellular oncogenic addiction to MLL chimeras. Stabilization of MLL provides us with a paradigm in the development of therapies for aggressive MLL leukemia and perhaps for other cancers caused by translocations.